This story centers around Charlotte, a struggling young actress who can't catch a break. In an effort to support herself and her hopeless mother, Charlotte holds a job as a cocktail waitress at a seedy, local strip club and hates every minute of it. During a cigarette break late one evening she witnesses an altercation between an overzealous bouncer and an unfortunate passerby, David. David makes movies and given Charlotte's career interests a friendship quickly develops. Soon enough, David mentions a project he has in the works that she would be perfect for and an excited Charlotte agrees to take part. She has no idea what she has signed up for.
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Michael Moore
Futurama: Bender's Big Score
Planet Express sees a hostile takeover and Bender falls into the hands of criminals where he is used to fulfill their sc...
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Two sisters befriend a mysterious foreigner who washes up on the beach of their 1930's Cornish seaside village.
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Jesper Jensen is a successful IT salesman who stops at nothing, even if it means backstabbing his best friend. Being num...
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