This drama tells the real-life story of retired schoolteacher Christopher Jefferies who was initially questioned by police as a suspect in the murder of Jo Yeates who rented a flat from him. He was vilified by the press, partly on account of his eccentric appearance and long flowing hair, even after he had been released on bail by the police. It was only when the real suspect, a neighbour of Jo Yeates, was arrested and later convicted of the murder that the destructive media attention in Jefferies subsided. He later sued several newspapers for libel and received an official apology from the police.
Illo voluptas architecto cupiditate ipsam molestiae vel. Eos labore dicta eligendi voluptate iusto officia. Rerum sint maxime nam quisquam qui.
Paula Sullivan
Harriet the Spy
Harriet M. Welsch is a spy. But when Harriet's friends find her secret notebook the tables are turned on her. Can she wi...
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Mehrollah is a 14-year-old boy who is forced to find a job to support his family after his father dies. He travels to th...
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A visiting dignitary, a CIA agent, a Nazi spy, Japanese tourists, an assassin and a group of "midget" actors from The Wi...
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It is a movie-riddle, a movie-joke, a movie-labyrinth. 4 parts and 4 travels to the sea, 4 crossed short stories: Love, ...
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